Minister Ditoka highlight need to improve performance

Caption: Minister for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management Hon. Sakiasi Ditoka addressing the Senior Management Board (SMB) Meeting in Nakasi last month.

SUVA – Staff members of the Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management and members of the Senior Management Board have been reminded about the need to raise the level of performance across all divisions as we head into another new year.

In addressing the Ministry’s first SMB Meeting in Nakasi last January, Minister for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management Hon. Sakiasi Ditoka said clear directions must be provided on the development needs of each division to foster a sense of purpose and accountability.

“How can the government rebuild faith with its people when public trust is declining? The answer is surprisingly simple: Meet and deliver services to every Fijian where they are. Service is our ball game. We need to provide service to every Fijian efficiently and effectively,” Hon. Ditoka reminded the SMB forum.

“I understand that emerging issues have affected our operations, however at the end of the day, the Government must be held accountable for designing and delivering services with a focus on the experience of the people whom it is meant to serve.”

Minister Ditoka also highlighted several key issues that the Ministry would be focusing on this year, encompassing a range of areas, including policy alignment, organisational structure, legislative frameworks, and operational efficiency.

These works include the review and reset of the Ministry’s Strategic Development Plan (SDP) to align with the revised National Development Plan (NDP) presently drafted by the Ministry of Finance, and the finalisation of the Natural Disaster Management Bill, with hopes for parliamentary clearance early this year.

Hon. Ditoka said the establishment of the Centre for Rural Development, intended to serve Fiji and the broader Pacific, is another significant initiative the Ministry will be looking into this year.

“We are committed to the timely implementation of the Nabavatu Relocation Initiative and the reconstruction of homes damaged by landslides in Naitasiri. Streamlining the overall Monitoring, Reporting, and Management for Disaster Management (MRMDDM) processes is also on our agenda to enhance efficiency and best practices across implementing divisions. We also plan to conduct a comprehensive infrastructure audit in rural areas, driven by key stakeholders. Enhancements in service delivery, particularly for those implementing projects and programmes, and the maintenance and safekeeping of all Ministry assets are paramount.”

“Your support is crucial for the Ministry to achieve these ambitious targets. Let us remain vigilant and honest in our efforts, recognising that complacency has no place in the impactful work that lies ahead,” he added.

Caption:Minister for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management Hon. Sakiasi Ditoka and Assistant Minister Hon. Jovesa Vocea at the Ministry’s Senior Management Board (SMB) Meeting in Nakasi.