Rural Outer Island (ROI) Development Programme


The Rural Outer Island (ROI) Development Programme will complement the assistance currently provided to the agriculture, fisheries, and forestry sectors. The Programme is intended to improve:

  • living standards through more economic empowerment activities.
  • rural infrastructure.
  • market access.
  • community resilience through Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and risk-informed development; and
  • promote value-adding activities.

The Programme has three components focusing on the Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries sectors.



Eligibility Criteria:

  • Application is open for communal undertaking only; and
  • Communities assisted under this Programme will be based on the advice of the Ministry of Fisheries.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Application is open to communities, OR members of a registered cooperative.



Eligibility Criteria:

  • Application is open to farming groups or community.
  • Applicant is a member of an active farming cluster, and OR member of a registered cooperative
  • Evidence that the intended land area to be cleared is 1 acre or more;
  • Combined annual household income from farming activities is $30,000 or less; and
  • Ability to pay one-third (1/3) of total hiring cost.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Ability to provide one-third (1/3) contribution in-kind and evidence of land consent for the proposed site; and
  • Support from applicable government agencies (Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Fisheries, etc.).


  1. CARVING and portable power tools

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applicant has traditional knowledge of wood carving, OR joinery;
  • Applicant is a member of an active cooperative OR a legally registered group OR a forest resource-based group;
  • For group applicants as stated above, an agreement must be in place on the rotational use of the carving and portable power tools amongst the members of the group.
  • Individual applicant must be earning income from wood carving, OR joinery prior to applying for assistance with a combined annual household income of $30,000 or less; and
  • Ability to pay 1/3 contribution.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applicant can be an individual or community who is a beneficiary of a pine scheme/ native-owned forest;
  • Applicant is a member of an active cooperative OR a legally registered group OR a forest resource-based group;
  • For group applicants as stated above, an agreement must be in place on the rotational use of the portable sawmill amongst the members of the group.
  • Individual applicant must be earning income from timber manufacturing prior to applying for assistance with a combined annual household income of $30,000 or less;
  • Ability to provide one-third (1/3) contribution in-kind and evidence of land consent for the proposed site; and
  • If an applicant is a cooperative, an agreement must be in place on the rotational use of the portable sawmill amongst the members of the cooperative.


  • Applicants must reside permanently in a village or rural settlement recognised by the Provincial Council or District Advisory Councillor (DAC);
  • The application must be endorsed by the Turaga ni Koro or DAC; and
  • Individual applicants must be 18-years and above


  • Request for assistance outside of the 4 sectors can still be considered if it meets the objectives and the general eligibility criteria of the ROI Development Programme.
  • Applications for the ROI Programme will be vetted by the Technical Working Group established by the Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development.