Taveuni fishermen get new boats and engine

Caption: Minister for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management Hon. Sakiasi Ditoka with the fishermen of Taveuni who were successful recipients of assistance offered under the Seafaring Entrepreneurial Assistance (SEA) Programme.

TAVEUNI – The Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management is optimistic that the provision of new boats and outboard engines to three local fishermen in Taveuni under the Ministry’s Seafaring Entrepreneurial Assistance (SEA) Programme will contribute towards the uplifting of living standards for these families.

This was highlighted by the Minister for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management, Hon. Sakiasi Ditoka during the handover of the three boats in Taveuni earlier this month.

“The Ministry in its responsibility is tasked with the development of our community to ensure that members of the rural and maritime communities; their lives improved and that the system that are put in place raise their standard of living. And this one is no difference; the Seafaring Entrepreneurial Assistance Programme. Something that the Government is trying to stress is the need to be in partnership with the community through the projects that we have. An example of partnership is this, with you having your one-third contribution and the Government providing the balance for that. We wish you all the very best with whatever has been given to you, to further and improve your standards of living and help with the economy of Taveuni and I hope that the next time you come, you will have a thriving business or thriving activity with whatever you take today,” Hon. Ditoka told the recipients.

Naivivi, Qamea villager Mr. Petero Bera was one of the three successful recipients of assistance under the Programme, receiving his brand new engine from Hon. Ditoka this week.

Mr Bera said the assistance was timely given the hike in prices of hiring boats to and from their village.

Mr. Jashwant Prasad, a fisherman of Nalovo Settlement was also one of the three successful recipients of assistance offered under the Ministry’s SEA Programme. Apart from farming dalo and yaqona, Mr Prasad also does small-scale fishing to make ends meet for his little family.

“My current boat is small, therefore, we cannot travel far to fish. With this assistance from the Government, I will now be able to start my fishing business to help me support my family, and complement the income I currently get from farming,” said an excited Mr Kumar.

Assistance available under the SEA Programme is offered on a one-third cost-sharing basis between the applicant and the Government.

Caption: Mr. Jashwant Prasad, a fisherman of Nalovo Settlement, Taveuni and his family with their very own fibreglass boat made possible through the assistance offered under the Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management’s Seafaring Entrepreneurial Assistance (SEA) Programme.