Assistance by Government to ensure safety of Nabilo community

Caption: Minister for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management Hon. Sakiasi Ditoka, Assistant Minister Hon. Jovesa Vocea, Permanent Secretary for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management Mrs. Salaseini Daunabuna and District Officer (DO) Korovou with community members of Nabilo in Korovou, Tailevu after the handover of their retrofitted evacuation centre.

SUVA – Residents of Nabilo Settlement in Korovou, Tailevu now have a safe haven to seek shelter in during disasters such as cyclones and flood.

This follows the handover of their retrofitted evacuation centre by the Minister for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management, Hon. Sakiasi Ditoka.

The project was an investment of close to $30,000 by Government, through the Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management’s Self-Help Programme (SHP).

Nabilo and Navyuak Community Secretary Mr. Vishaal Lal said they were grateful to Government for stepping in to assist their community which has been prone to flooding for decades.

“Some of the issues we used to face before was the leakage of the hall so we couldn’t use it for evacuation, and other purposes. But now after the renovation and retrofitting, the people will really benefit a lot. This can now be used for evacuation and the work done will really ensure the safety of the people during such times. Our community is situated on a low-lying area so every time it rains, our homes are flooded and we seek shelter in this hall. Now it will be really safe because we have an improved and safer facility to shelter in, Mr Lal said.

In handing over the project to the community, Hon. Ditoka said one of the Ministry’s objectives was to assist in ensuring that impacts of disasters to people were reduced and this was why the Ministry supported projects such as the retrofitting of the Nabilo Evacuation Centre.

“This project is part of Government’s commitment to foster inclusivity, safety, protection and security in the rural areas during disasters. We believe that the project will provide a safe place for the vulnerable groups in the community, including women, senior citizens and even people with disabilities or are physically challenged,” Hon. Ditoka said.

“We are still in the cyclone season, and have been experiencing continuous heavy rain in the past couple of weeks. In ensuring that we are well prepared in this cyclone season, the handing over of this project has come at an opportune time.”

The project is one of the first few projects implemented in the current financial year adopting the Risk Informed Development (RID) planning measures for sustainability purposes and building resilience.

Meanwhile, Hon. Ditoka also handed over the Waivou Evacuation Centre Retrofitting project to the community of Waivou in Tailevu on Thursday.

The project was also completed under the Ministry’s Self-Help Programme at a cost of more than $25,000.

The newly renovated and retrofitted EC will also provide a safe haven to the villagers of Dakuinuku and nearby communities during disasters.

Caption: Residents of Waivou Settlement celebrate the handover of their newly renovated and retrofitted evacuation centre last Thursday.


The Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management is responsible for implementing development strategies that bring Fijians living in rural and maritime regions the same level of access to essential services and economic opportunities as anywhere else in the country. We coordinate and implement the Fiji Government’s rural and maritime development initiatives with a mission to empower Fiji’s rural sector. We also spearhead disaster risk reduction initiatives at national and sub-national level including disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. We have offices for each of Fiji’s 14 provinces including Rotuma, leading the Fiji Government’s rural development and disaster risk management operations.

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