Serua villagers grateful for Government assistance

Caption: Permanent Secretary for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management Mr. Isoa Talemaibua officially hands over the food ration supplies and Non-Food Items (NFIs) to the head of the Yavusa Nadruku, Mr. Ponipate Tuvata of Korovisilou Village in Serua yesterday.

SUVA – More than 100 families of Korovisilou Village in the district of Korolevu in Serua who were affected by flashfloods that swept through the village last week received food ration packs, and other much-needed relief supplies from the Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management today.

Korovisilou was among the villages, settlements and Government facilities in Serua affected by flashfloods caused by heavy rainfall recorded in the province last Wednesday.

Village headman Ratu Imitai Sokosoko expressed gratitude on behalf of the villagers to Government for coming to their aid.

Out of the 115 houses in the village of Korovisilou, a total of 105 houses were inundated with flood waters, damaging personal belongings, household items and stored groceries.

“Today we are very grateful to the visitation by the Government teams led by the Permanent Secretary for Disaster Management and the Commissioner Central Division to the village, bringing with them much needed assistance in the form of food ration supplies. Many of us lost our food supplies and groceries when floodwaters swept through the village last week, and today, we are thankful that the Government has come forward to assist us,” Ratu Imitai said.

In handing over the relief supplies, the Permanent Secretary for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management, Mr. Isoa Talemaibua said the assistance by Government was to help sustain the affected families in the next two weeks as many had lost their stocked food supplies during the flood.

“This visit to Korovisilou was to deliver food ration supplies, and Non-Food Items (NFIs) such as hygiene and kitchen kits to the villagers that were impacted by the sudden onset that happened last Wednesday,” Mr Talemaibua said.

“Families were caught by surprise, and many of these households lost their groceries and personal belongings in this unfortunate event. This assistance by the Government is expected to help these families in the next two weeks as they recover from the impacts of this recent disaster. Today’s visit is also not about just handing over these relief supplies to the villagers here, but to also re-emphasise the importance of disaster preparedness by the community.”

Food ration supplies were also distributed to other affected villages such as Vunaniu, nearby settlements, and Government officials based at the Korovisilou Health Centre and Ratu Latianara Secondary School who were also affected by the floods.

Caption: Permanent Secretary for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management Mr. Isoa Talemaibua and head of the Yavusa Nadruku Mr. Ponipate Tuvata with the villagers of Korovisilou Village in Serua yesterday.